Online Counselling
By Prapoorna M
Last Updated: November 27, 2021
Online counselling has been gaining focus since recent years, as the usage of internet is spreading wide. Use of online counselling is getting more because of social media and online business and virtual employment. With the extensive usage of smart phones and with the ease of video calling, online conversations have become the most convenient source of communication. Being anywhere in the world, while it is damn easy to actual see a person and talk, video calling has revolutionized the way of
Counselling is a talk therapy where the client shares all his/her feelings, emotions, thoughts and issues that he/she is going through to seek help from the counsellor. A well trained counsellor helps you without any prejudices and protects anonymity and confidentiality. Licensed and certified doctors and therapists can provide online counselling, treating many ailments like depression, stress, tensions, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar disorder etc.
Why do people choose online counselling?
Online counselling is as effective as face-to-face counselling. People choose online counselling because of it’s advantages. With a simple wi-fi connection and a smart phone or a laptop, a client can get connected with a counsellor from a far off distance. Though you are on a business trip or in the mid of a vacation, connecting with your counsellor becomes easier than coming down to meet in person.

Let’s see the advantages of online counselling.
- Online counselling helps you to connect from anywhere and avoids travelling distances. People with physical disabilities cannot travel longer distances.
- Online counseling is very helpful for them. For the people who have to travel from rural home to city also get benefitted by online counseling. Basically, all the advantages of distance mode of operation can be counted.
- Online counseling assures anonymity and confidentiality. If the client wishes not to show his/her face and doesn’t want to reveal identity and to discuss the problem alone, online counseling provides the way. Confidentiality regarding the problem discussed and the solutions offered are also maintained as per the rules of “International society for mental health online.”
- Studies show that there’s no difference experienced by people taking online therapy and attending the face-to-face one. When enquired, the patients receiving cognitive behavior therapy online observed no difference in online and face to face.
The Psychometric analysis tests can also be easily done online.
- For some people, it takes a lot of courage and strength to reach a counsellor, doubting if they really need to, while some avoid due to laziness. But online counseling clears all the doubts and inhibitions.
- Online counselling provides a number of ways to communicate. A client can do a live chat, video call, phone call or email the counselor for the suggestions. When you got that hour break from your daily chores or have kids sleeping at home, connecting through video calling won’t matter much. A phone call during your break time, though you are at college or office saves your time.
- With online counselling, it is possible to choose multiple therapists to talk to, if you are not satisfied with one. It would be easier for you even to switch between the available counselors, so as to get the best suited counselor for your psychological needs.
- Having a look aback, the rates of online counseling have come down meeting the ones with face-to-face counseling. With the growing competition in online counseling, the prices are made amicable to meet the requirements of any economic-class person.
With all these advantages, people today are opting for Online counseling. Why to wait and suffer for long, when you are getting to the door step of solution at a single click?
Growth of Online counseling
Online counseling or online therapy has other names like cyber counseling, e-counseling e-therapy and tele-therapy. Online counselling can be usually done through email, video conferencing, online chat, or real time chat, messaging or internet phone etc. Initially Sigmund Freud, father of Psychology used to communicate through letters with his clients, to treat their mental ailments.
Today, the growth in online counseling help and mental health services has reached to such a level that a renowned group named “International society for mental health online” has also formed. It has formulated the rules and regulations which are to be abided by every counselor in order to protect the client information. Online therapists should adhere to the laws and guidelines specified by their geographic location.
Therapists should obtain knowledge, training and supervision in online therapy practices and techniques. This includes formal training (college or university courses), informal training (workshops and conferences) and clinical supervision (either face-to-face or online). They should have a solid understanding of technology including the tools that are required to deliver psychotherapy online and also should ensure that the client information remains private and secure.
Why do you need counselling?
Counselling is a form of talk between the client (person seeking help) and the counsellor (the person providing professional psychological services). Counseling is a discussion about the problems faced by the client and is aimed at finding solutions and helping the client cope with the associated stress. It is very common for every human being to discuss a personal problem with the friends or family or any trusted person whom they would like to seek a solution from.
But if such ways didn’t work, it’s the time for seeking a professional help. A professional psychological counsellor is the one who has no prejudice on the client issues and who provides a genuine help by protecting the anonymity of the client.

Many people who don’t like the idea of going to therapy as they don’t want to get identified as a person with some psychological disability can also seek the help of a counselor, especially through online counseling, to know if it is actually a disability or a depression that is bothering them.
In our society, for any person who acquires certain stature, it really takes a lot of strength and courage to reach a counsellor for help and to discuss some biggest vulnerabilities. This would be embarrassing for such people, when they have to face someone and explain their hidden secrets. Hence, seeking a solution would be difficult. But online counselling brightens the path for such people, providing the opportunity of being anonymous while seeking a professional help.
Any kind of psychological help can be provided through online counseling suggesting some techniques and methods to come out of their psychological problems. The common problems such as depression, stress and anxiety, bipolar disorders etc. can be treated through online counseling. Online therapy has shown its tremendous results in the recent years, brightening the lives of many. For example, the substance or alcohol recovering addicts who do not wish to reveal their identity benefit a lot, going anonymous with online therapy.
Types of Counseling services
There are many kinds of psychological counseling services available, depending upon the requirement of the client. The psychological counsellors decide the kind of counselling needed for the client to be out of the problem that is bothering him/her. For all the kinds of counseling services, anonymity and security are ensured. There are techniques and tests involving psychometric analyses, conducted by the counsellors to help the clients through their stages of treatment.
Away from home counseling
Though you are a freshman at a distant university or an employee who got job in a new city or may be a newlywed girl, trying to fit in the new environment, everybody misses the place, people and things they are much used to. Though easier said than done, it is necessary to move on with the changes of life and explore what life holds to unfold for you. In order to cope yourself with such a significant change, by not falling prey to unwanted emotional worries, stress and depression you can take the help of trained counselors through online counseling.
The main reasons for home sickness could be like the following
- Missing parents
- Missing home food
- Missing closeness of loved ones etc.
Along with them, the differences in lifestyle, unhappiness when expectations are not met etc. can also increase the home sickness. Symptoms of homesickness could be like constantly thinking about home, anxiety, decreased motivation, irritability, unable to have a good time with friends, missing people, things and places at home, loneliness, negative outlook etc.
You are not alone to feel the “away from home” sickness. Others around you could also be experiencing the same. But they are helping out themselves to get out of that by moving on. So, all that it takes is to determining yourself to come out of that melancholic mood. Hence, follow some simple techniques to get out of this homesickness.
- Go out and make new friends. Explore the new places around you. Try to get habituated with the weather, places, faces and environment you are now in. Understand how different or same this place is to your previous one and welcome those changes.
- Bring your favorite things along with you as they help you get acquainted with the place. Speak to your friends and family, but not for longer periods. Upload your pics from the new place in social networking sites, to get the appreciations and best wishes of your pals.
- Keep your health intact always. Being healthy makes you feel better and have a positive outlook towards life.
- Take your time to explore the campus activities until you meet the one friend you are comfortable with. Participate in different activities conducted at the college/office. One of the best ways is to find your niche in your community by going to campus events like talent shows and game shows etc. that interests you.
- A mental health professional or a counselor at the college premises can often lend a sympathetic ear and advice you about how to cope up your home sickness.
Wellness Hub provides you with such a team of experts who are there to offer you a trusted help. Encountering the problems like being very attached to someone, unable to make new friends, having dislike towards social life, not having interest in anything, lack of concentration, unable to adapt changes, depression, stress, worry etc. can all be dealt easier with the help of a great counselor.
A trained counselor has effective communication skills, can build rapport, accept, empathize, solve problems and enhance the self-awareness of the people seeking help.
Child parenting counseling
It is not simple to be a good parent always. Dealing with the temper tantrums of the kid while handling the family issues can never be so easy. Especially when you are a mother, handling the post delivery hormonal changes will be a challenge. Then will sprout the health issues, the financial issues or the personal life issues to make the life even more miserable.
Whether you are dad or a mom, both have equal responsibility in bringing up a child. It is very common for every parent to go through the severe stressful stage of handling a super-active kid while coping up with every day chores successfully. You can neither shout at the kid nor can leave him annoying you. The modern day children are being so hyperactive that parents actually needed to be trained to handle this new-age generation.
In most of the cases, both the parents being employed and busy with their schedules, the time spent with children gets reduced and this increases the waywardness in children. They put all their talent in drawing the attention of their parents towards them and display various kinds of tantrums. It really becomes a test of patience for the parents. A trained counselor can rescue you out of this. Having an online counseling session will be of great help.

In some cases, one of the parents works from home or stays being a home maker, while the other works. Children who spend most of the day with one parent, tries to drag the attention of the other. “I remember my kid complaining on her mom that she beats her daily and doesn’t give ice cream.
I used to wonder why my loving wife would do that. But later on realized that my little 2-year monster cooks up stories to make me sit and play with her for most of my home-time” says a father. If such children don’t get required attention, could display sudden emotional outbursts which could be really difficult to handle. Having an expert opinion on this matter will be of great help.
When your kid is a single child, it becomes really hard to accept a sibling who shares the love of parents which belongs to him/her solely till now. On the contrary, if you are a single parent it would be tough for you handle your kid. Things get worse when you are planning for another marriage and having issues to make your kid accept their new half-brother or half-sister. Now, that would be a great challenge for you as well as your kid. Having an expert handy through online counseling would really be a boon.
Children who are new to school throw a variety of problems each day to the parents, making it difficult to crack them. Few kids are so annoying and undisciplined, while few are very hyperactive for the school to tolerate. Some kids are very creative and imagining that they can never pay attention at school, while some of them are too puzzled all the time that you feel helpless being a parent.
Apart from normal misbehaviour, some underlying psychological problems like Autism, Dyslexia, Schizophrenia etc. could also result in weird behaviours of children. We at Wellness Hub are here to help you with such problems.
Adolescent counseling
Adolescence is an important phase of life where a personality starts to evolve and it is the time, a shoulder to lean is required while letting them to stand on their own. Children turned adults, might not express their views or problems thinking that they would hurt the parents, while parents might not respond in a way their children want them to. Here is where the necessity of counselling comes. A trained psychologist can easily show ways to bridge a better communication between the parents and the children.
Growing up day by day, learning the real face of society, an adolescent comes up with a new opinion daily. Starting to develop taste for different new things, and increasing interest to explore new places, people, things, opportunities etc. they are just baffled. Sometimes as a manifestation of complete energy and sometimes as a person of solitude, the adolescents show different shades, handling their hormonal changes. As the puberty hits, the changes in the body reveals their sexuality in a predominant way, confusing their moods, thoughts and opinions too.
Being an adolescent, one have to undergo a lot of psychological issues such as handling stress and anxiety due to personal and social issues, managing their anger and behavior, body image issues, confronting bullying, handling peer pressure and controlling ego, facing depression, eating disorders, relationship issues, social isolation and sleep deprivation due to all these, handling rejections and refusals without going for self-harm or suicidal ideation etc. are the major problems in front of them.
All the family members, friends and society should show some concern for them, to grow through this phase of life. Having a word with a psychological expert helps them deal with these problems easily.
A flow of emotions get mixed up for them finding true friendships, true love, true relationships in everyone they feel close. Any sort of misbehavior, cheating, negligence or irresponsiveness makes them depressed and anxious. At this tender age, they have sensitive emotions, hurting which enrages them. Expecting much, unable to sustain friendships or any relationships, having too much inclination toward a close friend and not being able to be far etc. are also observed much in them.
Sexual identification, hormonal excitations, unable to handle the close proximity of opposite gender, abnormal behavior etc. can also be easily understood by an expert and help the teenagers deal with all these problems. Online counselling helps them go through this perplexed stage in a smooth way, keeping their details secret.
Online counseling is a boon for such adolescents where they acquire benefits like
- Anonymity: Client details are never revealed.
- Secret Aid: Adolescents can consult the counselors without the concern of their parents or caregivers to get solutions for their emotional problems. So, if you have to confide in someone, then confide in a professional and have a valid advice.
- Solution oriented approach: As the solution is acquired from a psychological expert, there will be no looking back and no need of any apprehensions as you are not judged.
Wellness Hub provides help through great psychological experts who can aid you through online counselling so that you need not disturb your plans of the day.
Family Counseling

Family counseling is a form of psychotherapy that intends to reduce the distress and conflict that affect the psychological health of the family by improving the systems of interaction between the family members to solve family problems, understand and handle special family issues like death of a closed family member, serious physical and mental issues, child or adolescent issues etc.
The issues in your family can affect all areas of your family member’s lives. When it feels that the problems are getting too big to handle, it’s better to consult a family psychologist, to seek the help to manage struggles, conflicts and challenges. “We used to argue with each other rather than talking.
After counseling sessions, we learned to communicate better with each other through understanding, building a home together” says a happy family man. Counselors help the family members recognize their patterns, build their strengths and develop alternatives, by interacting separately with all the family members and knowing where the problem is!!
“My son always used to argue with us and treat us like enemies. We being parents always used to worry about the bonding in our home. With the help of family counselling, we now understood how to look at the adolescent issues from all the perspectives. Our family is happier than ever” admits a mother. Counseling helps to unite the family.
Online counseling is helpful if all the family members are at different places and need to talk to the counselor together. If someone out of the family, who has an influence on the family, needs to be approached, then online counseling provides a way to get connected with that someone so as to discuss a point, being at a remote place.
The issues that arise in a family could be like
- Conflict between the family members
- Financial problems and issues
- Difficulties between siblings in house
- Caring for a family member with special needs
- A family member’s mental illness or death in family
- Difference of opinions
- Substance abuse and addiction
- Infidelity
- Separation or divorce (issues for single mom or dad)
- Children behavioral problems
- Communication issues etc.
Any problem gets intensified, when procrastinated. Any rigid issue gets easily solved with the help of an expert counselor. Reach Wellness Hub for any kind of family issues.
Counseling on Marital issues
Marital counseling or Couple therapy is not at all an alien concept to us. In previous years, mostly the elder people in the house used to create awareness about the relationship between a man and wife and how should they treat each other. But later on, a sense of male dominance and female submissiveness crept in the society which made its own rules of being in marriage.
It is in the recent years, the voice of equality came into existence. But the thinking pattern of individuals may not change with the pace the
changes are taking place in the society.
However, as it was told, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”, came down to live together on Earth, there are some basic differences which are obvious. The society creates some confusion to these already bewildered genders that come to an agreement of lifelong commitment in the amazement of hormonal function.
It is after a short gap of melting off this glittery cover of attraction that the problems arise. Martians who are hard and cold can’t handle the soft and warm Venusians, while the emotional Venusian fairies, can’t withstand the subtle nature of Martian angels.

When the differences and conflicts between couples become so tough to handle, it is much better to take the help of an expert, who can counsel you better than a normal family member or a close friend. A marriage counsellor can make you realize your thinking pattern, the way how a problem should be dealt, depending upon the personalities you handle and will show how capable you are to bring a positive change in your marital life. Marriage counseling offers you the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences and solve problems in a healthier way.
Problems could arise in a marital relationship in several ways like miscommunication, attitude problems, impotency, uncontrolled anger, emotional blackmails for simple things, involvement of outer persons like in-laws, relatives or friends, showing superiority, being irresponsible or having extra-marital affairs etc. which could create cracks in a bonding that could actually last long. It’s very common to think of divorce when such problems arise. But if love still exists between both of you and you want to build a better home, it’s a great thought to undergo counseling.
The marital counseling sessions help you to understand where and what the problem really is and helps you solve it with simple techniques. With online counseling, you can reach your counsellor from anywhere and take a piece of advice that could do wonders in healing the wounds and make your bonding even stronger.
Counseling on Relationship issues
It is often said that “Relationships aren’t great because they have no problems, it’s because both people care about each other to find a way to make it work.” No two people are same. Differences are common between any persons. But learning to accept them and valuing the opinion of others makes any relationship great.
But whenever the situations get tough and throw a googly, adding to the miscommunications and false interpretations, while ego being the factor that won’t let you take a forward step, putting the relations at stake, both of you need to work to build a bridge. Here comes the need of a counselor who could voice your thoughts and make you realize the pattern you are dealing with. Without prejudice and pre-assumptions, a better counselor can guide you through those tough times.
The differences between persons once found endearing, may irk you after certain period. There could be gradual disintegration of communication and caring. When two persons from entirely different worlds, start staying together, they could encounter numerous issues where anything to everything could be a problem for the other.
Insecurity problems could also arise because of the recent changes in physical appearances, varied customs and traditions of both being different, attitude difference etc. If the ability to handle the differences is lost, if things started to get worst between you, it’s a great idea to see a relationship counsellor. Any relationship flourishes on trust and good communication. Be it a relation between a boy and a girl, or between two boys or girls.
The concept of live-in relationships has been rapidly occupying its place in society these days. Whichever kind of relationship it could be, problems are inevitable. Taking an expert help to come out of them smoothly, would be a brilliant idea.

Is your partner not so encouraging seeking a professional help? It’s okay. You can connect with our experts for help taking a step forward, which could help you out of most percent of the problem. With the online counseling therapy, you can connect with your psychologist from a remote place without any inhibitions. As anonymity and security of information is guaranteed, online counseling would be your bosom friend.
Elderly People Counseling
“At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. And at age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all” surprisingly true!! All the age we spent solving the problems of others or the family and showing love, care and affection towards others, sometimes even forgetting what we really want. We tend to be good to others and think what they would think. But suddenly at an elder age, we realize that we are left alone.
Someone once said, “RESPECT the elderly when you are YOUNG, HELP the weak when you are STRONG, ADMIT your mistakes when you are WRONG. Because one day, when you will grow OLD, become WEAK and expect others to show you some RESPECT.” How true that everyone becomes old. Everyone need to come to that stage of age and can’t escape. Then why not show some concern today?
The problems of elderly people like missing the children, a chronic disease of the spouse or the death of a closely-knit family member, suffering a prolonged illness or having the mental illness that occur with age etc. could bother a lot by ceasing their mental peace. Empty nest syndrome could be nerve-wrenching for the elderly people to handle. Leading a miserable life giving up all the peace as if the life itself has been a big burden is a real help problem to be attended.
We at Wellness Hub provide all the help needed for such elderly people suffering any sort of mental issue. There’s no need to come down all the way for an expert help. Online counseling has been a boon for such help seekers who can connect from any place around the globe to seek a solution. Online counseling for elderly people is a real gift at the golden phase of life.
Counselling for Men
The boy who once used to enjoy life at its best, willing to do whatever he likes and wishes to go wherever he feels, will be bound to some responsibilities once he becomes a man. Changes take place in every walk of life, the way he speaks, behaves, thinks and acts will be taken care of as he presents himself to the society as a man.

Men grow by learning from the society and the circumstances. Whether a man becomes a miser or a spendthrift, whether a man is so intelligent or cunning, or if he is a gentleman or just pretends, depends on the way he was brought up and the influence the society had on him. Some of them have a happy childhood with no pressures at all, but have to handle hell lot of pressures and tensions once he grows up. For some, life always throws a puzzle to solve even to attain the basic needs.
Many factors around us affect us morally, mentally and physically. It is actually a tough challenge to withstand all the ups and downs in life, with the changing scenarios and handling everything, like a hero!!
We at Wellness Hub provide Counselling for Men to help you handle any challenge in life by making yourself mentally strong. Stress, tension, anxiety, depression, peer pressure, physical challenges etc. can be handled easily with the help of some techniques to make your life easier. Online counseling sessions help you to login from anywhere to get support from your counselors.
Counselling for Women
Women are the replicates of the Nature. Every natural emotion like love, affection, warmth, care, empathy, compassion etc. is a natural gift for women. Women tend to be kind and soft towards any being and get emotionally attached. Disturbance of such tender emotions creates much mental stress. The mental disorders such as stress, depression, tension, anxiety, panicking, OCD, PTSD etc. are all the ones which could encounter because of the pressure experienced by women in our daily lives.

Managing work both at home and at work place, maintaining family relations, keeping the homely ambience intact, having strong interpersonal skills, being a good mom, wife, home maker, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, friend, colleague, neighbor etc. are some of the many roles a woman plays in her daily life.
All these unspoken responsibilities are tied to us since ages. In the eagerness of playing a perfect role, a woman just forgets about herself. She is tending to believe that she is there to look after her family giving least preference to herself. Then, what about the psychological turmoil that she’s been through all this while?
Gift yourself some mental peace with new techniques of solving all the issues and disorders that are internally affecting you. The stress, depression and anxiety that crept unknowingly under the covers of responsibilities are already ruling your mind to their full extent. Get a control over your emotional world with the help of an expert counsellor.
Wellness Hub has a group of talented and experienced psychologists who help you come out of your psychological issues. Women those who don’t get enough support from spouses can have solutions to make their life fully functional through our online counseling sessions which enables you to connect from your own room.
Workplace counselling
Workplace or office is the place where you spend most of your time in your life. It is the most productive part of your day, whether it is 8hours or more. Hence the ambience and atmosphere of your work place should be so comfortable for you to concentrate on the work. Any kind of office politics, internal conflicts, sexual assaults, racism, bossism, loop holes of hierarchical system etc. which bother you should be dealt immediately with the help of a good counsellor.
To handle various mental disorders like stress, work pressure, anxiety, depression, tension, peer pressure etc. that are the by-products of your hard working day, you need an expert counselor. The facility of online counseling lets you to have a session in your break time, being in your own room. Book an appointment with one of the experienced psychological experts to attain a great balance in your life, handling any kind of scenarios under any circumstances.
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