Does Money Make Happy Employees? | How to Make Employees Happy?
By Prapoorna M
Last Updated: November 27, 2021
Job and its responsibilities often keep people busy and demand more. The stressors employees have to face day in and day out are hard. Out of the experience of many reputed companies, it is learned that fostering a positive work environment makes employees happy and those happy employees are the loyal ones of the organization. Happiness is contagious and can spread through the entire company.
The work environment that top employers create, will make the employees feel connected to the organization and thus have positive work experience. The level of enthusiasm and connection that employees have with their organization can be termed as employee engagement. It measures how motivated the employees are and how committed they are towards the success of the organization. Such a state increases the satisfaction levels of the employees.
Employees with high job satisfaction are not only more productive, but are also engaged and loyal to their companies. The more the employees are engaged the higher their motivational levels and commitment will be. Such employees will be happier to contribute to higher productivity of the organization.

How to Make Employees Happy?
If you are thinking that money in any form like salary, incentives, allowances, increments, or maybe extra benefits can help you make your employees happy, you are wrong. There are many ways other than money that can make your employees happy. Let’s have a look at them.
When the work of the employee is recognized and the difference that it made to the company’s progress is discussed, that makes any employee happy. Maintaining clear communication on company’s happenings, department direction and the individual’s contribution towards the organization makes the employees feel their work is being valued.
Feedback & Help
Giving honest feedback and offering help for the betterment of work, makes an employee feel so obliged to the company. The act of sharing what you have learned and proposing a course of action addressing the issue helps not only in fulfilling the task but also in gaining the trust of the employee.
Such gestures win the hearts of employees.
Recognition and rewards make a great impact. Though small in size, if the frequency of the rewards is high, that counts. Recognize the highest performers in the office and reward them with incremental vacation days. As you can be confident enough that they can finish the allotted work in time, it would be fine to grant them extra holidays. This also inspires others towards hard work.
Keep the Flow
Encourage communication in common areas like cafeteria or the break room, where employees can create conversations and share ideas. Such places should be provided as a part of the office with nice tables, furniture, snacks and beverages, if possible.
Care their Career
Every employee has concern towards the career. As a part of training and development, ensure that the employees are aware of the further job opportunities in the company itself. Any kind of career development plans provided within the organization helps the employees set goals that increase their enthusiasm to work hard.

Bring Change
Happy employees make for a happy company. Treating employees with lunches once in a while, acknowledging accomplishments, and awarding with titles are usually done by companies to make them happy. But along with that, learn to wish them with a smile and address with names and remember their accomplishments to mention during conversations. When the boss of the company is so concerned about the employees, they feel belonged and will eventually be loyal to the organization.
Ancillary benefits like dental checkup, optical checkup or wellness checkup make employees feel your concern towards them. Additional perks like Gym memberships and transit benefits keep reminding them that the company truly cares.
Give a break
When something interesting happens, our brain shifts the focus. Conducting variety events every month would keep the workplace environment vibrant. This breaks a routine of working daily, gets the individuals away from boredom and refreshes the spirit of employees.
Nice Appeal
Interior, furniture, aromatic scents, pleasant atmosphere, plants, and decorative materials etc. can make an appeal to the office environment that fills the mood with positivity. Keeping the place neat and tidy through well-maintenance add to the beauty and appearance. With all these deeds, you could win the hearts of employees. They would be more than happy to stretch that extra mile for you. If you are troubling to create a positive work environment and want to engage your employees to help them put their best efforts, we are here to help you.
Wellness Hub has a team of psychologists who put in their best efforts to bring you an employee wellness program, EWA meaning Employee Wellness Audit. Our flagship product EWA helps you engage your employees and make them more efficient and productive.
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